After the Reset

My strategy after the game resets is to start my empire in the boondocks to avoid unnecessary conflict for the first week or so as I try to work my way past my first 100 million in assets.

Day One

I think the best strategy is to focus on buying streets worth 1 million and putting as many of the 50K Green Houses on one street as I can afford so I can recoup the investment on the very next day.

Day Two

I will get 1 million from the game plus about 2 million in rent from the Green Houses I built the day before. My plan is to buy another 1 million street and start putting as many Grid Buildings on it as I can, which will be only 4 (at most).

Day Three

My 1 million for logging in will be combined with my approx. 2 million in rent from my Green Houses (built on Day One), plus 1.8 million from the 4 Grid Buildings (built on Day Two) to give me about 4.8 million in income.

My plan is to buy and place 9 Grid Buildings on the street I purchased on Day Two.

Day Four

My 1 million dollar log-in will be combined with the 2 million rent for my Green Houses and 5.85 (or so) million from my Grid Buildings for about 8.85 million in income.

My plan is to buy another 1 million street and 14 Grid Buildings, which will bring in another 6.3 million in rent the next day.

Of course, all this is predicated on not being attacked by a nearby player, put in jail, or receiving excessive fines and penalties through Chance Cards...and that the rules of the game have not been tweaked to a point that would render this strategy useless.

So, these are my plans (so far unspoiled) plans for beginning my empire, what are yours, and what do you think about mine?


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